Monday, August 1, 2016

The Real Ivan

The Real Ivan

A class set up a google  hangout with the people at zoo Atlanta, who were Ivan's caretakers for the later part of his life. Watch this interview to get to know the real gorilla from The One and Only Ivan.

I am also sharing with you my notes that I took during the "hangout". Please feel free to add to my notes in the comment section after you watch the video and notice information that I have missed.

  • Ivan is a Silverback Gorilla that likes cartoons, toys, piano, painting, and the color red.

  • When Ivan is mad he communicates by throwing his toy piano.

  • Ivan was raised by humans.

  • Although he is 8-10 times stronger than a human, he can be very gentle and use a tiny tea cup.

  • Ivan had a lot of friends at zoo Atlanta but before coming to Atlanta he spent most of his life alone in a shopping mall zoo in Washington.

  • Ivan tends to prefer the company of humans and is shy and submissive around other gorillas.

  • At zoo Atlanta he lived in a 1.5 acre "domain" with green grass and climbing structures.

  • He loves to eat watermelon and strawberries.

  • He does not like cold weather or getting his hands wet and will put a burlap sack down on the ground to sit on if the weather isn't to his liking.

  • Ivan is 6 feet tall.

  • He came from the Central African Republic.

  • He likes stuffed animals.

  • Ivan taps on doors when he wants to go outside, bites at his wrists when he's upset, and sometimes has tantrums.

Read more about the real Ivan: Meet 'Ivan': The Gorilla Who Lived In A Shopping Mall

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